to Practice Green



Through Practice Green, Henry Schein aims to encourage communities to
become more eco-friendly by providing solutions to support, educate, and
enhance the environmental sustainability efforts of our customers.


Key Messages

Practice Green is designed to empower the health care community to positively impact the future of the planet by reducing the ecological footprint and promoting sustainability – both in daily life and while at work.
Our goal is to help health care professionals to increase the sustainability efforts while continuing to provide high-quality patient care.
Henry Schein customers can rely on us to provide a selection of products, services, and solutions to help create a greener practice.
We recognise that with our global environmental footprint and unique position within an ecosystem of relationships with suppliers, business partners, and customers, we can be a driving force for sustainability.
As a global distributor of health care solutions, Henry Schein supports its customers and the journey towards enhancing environmental sustainability.
Through Practice Green, Henry Schein will offer customers solutions that will help to implement practical ways to become more sustainable, while following the current health and safety legislation and providing high-quality patient care.
We scale our environmental impact downstream in our supply chain by encouraging our customers to go green in the health care practices and adopt a shared commitment to sustainability.
This programme aligns with our commitment to mitigate our impact on the climate, reduce waste to landfills, and recycle and reuse valuable materials while practicing smart and efficient use of energy and water resources.
At Henry Schein, we are dedicated to managing our activities to protect the earth. We support the environmental sustainability efforts of our customers, and together, we can build a healthier world for all.

Product Showcase

Etch Gel

With our eco-friendly packaging and the easy-to-use syringe delivery system, that has been constructed to give precise, reliable, and consistent etching in a convenient, not only is Henry Schein Etch Gel 37% cost effective manner due to lack of material waste it also supports environment sustainability and helps you to turn your practice green.



All our Steriwise products are compliant with the Extended Producer Responsibility legislation contributing towards plastic recycling programmes in South Africa, thus ensuring that packaging waste that includes all plastic components of our Steriwise products has a guaranteed recycling pathway when disposed of with or alongside municipal refuse

Accelerating Environmental Sustainability

We operate a vast network spanning 32 countries and territories, serving more than one million customers worldwide. We run a centralized and automated distribution network with more than 3.8 million square feet of space in 28 strategically located distribution centers around the world. This structure supports our operational efficiency and enables us to serve our customers.

We work to reduce our environmental impact and promote responsible business practices in our own operations and supply chain, in collaboration with our suppliers, partners, and customers. Based on our ability to maximize impact, we focus principally on four environmental areas.


Climate Response

We are committed to climate action and transparency by continuously strengthening our approach to measuring, monitoring, and reporting on our carbon emissions and other environmental impacts. We are committed to Science-Based Targets and to set our science-based net zero target by the end of 2023.


Responsible Use of Water and Reducing Waste

We have limited direct product manufacturing; therefore, our operations are not water-intensive. We use water mainly at our distribution centers and offices for drinking, sanitation, and cooling purposes, primarily from utility sources.

We work to avoid landfilled waste to retain precious raw materials in the economic cycle and prevent soil and water contamination, air pollution, and degradation of nature in and around landfills.

Helping Our Customers Go Green

Scaling the environmental impact downstream in our supply chain by encouraging our customer to go green in their health care practices and adopt a shared commitment to sustainability is another way we are driving impact. We achieve this through several efforts such as our EMEA Practice Green Program, our U.S. based Global Reflections® Program, and the Green Leader Initiative of the American Association of Dental Office Management (AADOM), supported by the Henry Schein Cares Foundation.

Henry Schein aims to encourage communities to become more eco-friendly by providing solutions to support, educate, and enhance the environmental sustainability efforts of our customers through our global environmental sustainability program, Practice Green.

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